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PPC Agency Brompton London

PPC Company Brompton London

Google Ads Agency Brompton London

PPC Services Brompton London

Google Adwords Agency Brompton London

Google Advertising Brompton London

PPC Brompton London

Google PPC Agency


PPC Advertising on Google Ads allows businesses to put their products & services in front of people who are actively searching for them. With the right PPC Campaign strategy you’ll be able to display your ads to prospects when they’re ready to convert or buy. We achieve this time and time again by working closely with our clients to create high performing, results driven campaigns focused on delivering good quality leads and conversions, not just clicks!

So if you’re a company based in Brompton London and you’re looking to promote your products or services online, don’t be shy if you’re confused about what PPC is and how it works. This is something we hear all the time, but have no fear! Finsbury Media are experts in Pay-Per-Click Advertising, we can help you capture more leads, drive sales and achieve more conversions.

Every successful business recognises the benefits of sending highly targeted traffic to your site using Google Ads. So don’t get left behind whilst your competitors capitalise on the opportunities of running a Pay-Per-Click Campaign.
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PPC Campaigns

Google PPC is unique in that you only pay when your prospective clients ‘click’ on your ad based on ‘keywords’ and ‘locations.’

This targeted advertising really works when done correctly.

However PPC is not a magic bullet – you need a PPC consultant that really understands the technical aspects of Google Ads, the complexities of search, and how to maximise returns.

Our Google Adwords Agency service is one of our core services, and can transform your marketing. We advise on what you need to do to have a profitable PPC campaign, and using our consultants experience you can see great success.

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Partner with Finsbury Media a Premier Google Adwords Agency

Using Finsbury Media’s CLO Technology continuously improves ppc campaign results ensuring you get the best possible results from your Google adwords campaigns.

Get the results that matter to you

Get relevant traffic to your website from people who are looking for your services or products
Increase customer calls by linking the call you receive to a keyword. This valuable data will allow you to bid higher on keywords that delivery calls vs the ones that just deliver clicks
Get more online conversions including form submits and checkout purchases
With our advanced platform you can track your entire Return On Investment.

Finsbury Media Is One Of Google‘s Top Performing Agencies

Google Ads Agency Brompton London

We are different. We are a performance agency. We use our own tech. We are known as THE PPC agency in Brompton London , and if you are considering spending money on your digital marketing you definitely need to talk to us.

OK – you manage your own PPC in Brompton London , or use an agency. You think it’s working – but are you really sure? How do you know its been set up correctly? How do you know that you’re not wasting your budget on irrelevant or expensive keywords? It’s a minefield – we get it.

Finsbury Media – the Brompton London PPC agency

Your Adwords Consultants

Whether you’ve built a campaign yourself, of have someone managing it for you – you will have all the answers you need.

If you manage your own PPC in Brompton London , or use an agency. You think it’s working – but are you really sure? How do you know its been set up correctly? How do you know that you’re not wasting your budget on irrelevant or expensive keywords? It’s a minefield – we get it this is why we will give you a free Google Adwords audit

Pay Per Click (PPC) Success and AdWords Management

Get access to a Google Premier PPC agency in Brompton London

You’ve heard of the rest – now try the best.

Finsbury Media are one of the fastest growing Google Premier PPC Agencies – based in our HQ in Brompton London we use technology to track and optimise our clients PPC campaigns.

Using our unique CLO technology and easy to access platform you will be amazed at the transparency and easy to see results our PPC campaigns deliver.

Stop wasting time with campaigns that are burning your budget – contact us today for a chat.











Google AdWords Experts

Google AdWords Experts – Finsbury Media

Being a Google Premier Partner is a badge of authority. It gives confidence you are working with our team exceptional Google Ad expertise. The accreditation shows we meet higher Google Ad spending requirements, deliver client revenue growth targets, and sustained and expand our client base.

We will establish the goals of the campaign – and grade your account on how effective it really is. We can also make suggestions on improvements, and recommendations on budget and keywords. The key to a successful PPC campaign in Brompton London is made up of many factors – site speed, security, relevancy and click through rate. (CTR) We wont blind you with science – but give you sensible advice on how you can achieve a campaign that out performs your competitors, and maximises your budget.

Display Advertising And Remarketing

Google PPC offers so much!

Google Ads are not just seen at the top 4 places and 3 on the bottom of SERPS. (Search Engine Results Page) You can utilise the Google Display network (GDN) and reach clients across the entire Google platform – so your ads can be shown on specific websites, in Gmail and for specific searches. You can use banner ads and text ads – we are experts in these forms of online advertising.

Remarketing (Re-targeting) Ads

Increase Online Conversions with Retargeting

Let’s say a client visits your website, and leaves. Missed opportunity? You bet! Perhaps they were mid purchase. Maybe something interrupted their browsing. You need to reconnect with this prospective client. This is where remarketing comes in. Your banner will be shown on partner websites – and the lower cost per click (CPC) make this an attractive proposition. The search is not limited to Brompton London either so possibilities are endless. Using Brompton London PPC Agency Finsbury Media you can win with Display Advertising combined with Remarketing and traditional Adwords.

Other Advertising Channels

Bing Ads, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube

Being a Google Premier Partner we run the majority of search ads on Google. However, there are great opportunities in using other channels – after all if your target audience are elsewhere in Brompton London you should be there too. Bing campaigns can be very effective for the 50+ demographic – and we can discuss the success stories we have for the other channels. You should definitely consider adding these to your PPC strategy.

Paid Search (PPC)

Make your PPC budget work harder in 2023.

Pay Per Click (PPC) FAQ’s:

What is Google Ads?

Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords and Google AdWords Express) is an online advertising solution that businesses use to promote their products and services on Google Search, YouTube and other sites across the web. Google Ads also allows advertisers to choose specific goals for their ads, like driving phone calls or website visits. With a Google Ads account, advertisers can customise their budgets and targeting, and start or stop their ads at any time.

What are Google AdWords and Google AdWords Express?

Google AdWords and Google AdWords Express are the previous names for the new, improved Google Ads.

How does Google Ads work?

Google Ads works by displaying your ad when people search online for the products and services you offer. By leveraging smart technology, Google Ads helps get your ads in front of potential customers at just the moment they’re ready to take action.

  1. You start by selecting your goal, like getting more visitors to your website or more phone calls to your business.
  2. Next you select the geographic area where your ad should be shown. It can be a small radius around your business or much broader, like cities, counties or entire countries.
  3. Finally, you’ll craft your ad and set your monthly budget cap.

Once your ad is approved, it can appear whenever users in your target area search for a product or service like yours. You only pay when users engage with your ad, like clicking your ad or calling your business.

What are the different types of Google Ads?

There are three basic types of Google Ads:

  • Search Network campaigns – usually text form, these ads can show on Google Search results pages when someone searches for a product or service that’s similar to yours
  • Display Network campaigns – usually image form, these ads appear on websites or apps that your customers visit
  • Video campaigns – usually 6 or 15 second videos, these ads show right before or during YouTube content

What is CPC (Cost Per Click) or PPC (Pay Per Click) Advertising?

CPC (Cost Per Click) or PPC (Pay Per Click) means you only pay for an ad if someone clicks on it.

Other advertising models include:

  • Cost Per Impression, where you pay based on how many times your ad was shown (not clicked)
  • Cost Per Engagement, where you pay when a user completes a predefined engagement (like watching your video ad)

How much does Google Ads cost?

Your Google Ads cost is determined by your budget settings. Google Ads can work with almost any budget. You’re only charged when users interact with your ad, like clicking to visit your website or to call your business. With Google Ads, there is no minimum spend requirement, and no required contract length – you can stop your ads anytime. The cost of a click or call can vary based on a few factors.

How do I start advertising on Google?

To get started with Google Ads, click here to sign up. Our guided set-up process will walk you through creating your first ad in just a few steps. If you need help signing up, our Google Ads experts are available to set up your new account and even assist in creating your first campaign at no additional cost.

What’s The Difference Between Google AdWords And SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)?

SEO is a longer term game and involves the correct set up of your website and online presence, ultimately to bring you more organic search and referral traffic. You don’t pay for this traffic, but you’ll pay with time and money getting it right.

SEO should always be an important element of your digital marketing mix, and it’s often overlooked and underestimated by both business and web developers.

Google AdWords is a fast way of bringing in targeted traffic to your website. It is fast to set up, and a far faster way to generate the traffic than SEO (generally). Both are ongoing investments, but you’ll only pay for AdWords clicks when people are interested in your product (generally).

With SEO you have to invest before you get the traffic. With Google AdWords, you generally only pay when people click through to your website.

Both are important. Certain SEO elements will help improve the quality of your AdWords campaigns.

It is important to understand that running paid advertising with Google will not make any difference to your organic search rankings, although it may improve the click through rate of your organic listings (due to searchers subtly seeing your brand in an advert before scrolling down).

Isn’t AdWords A Waste Of Money? I’ve Tried It And It ‘Never Worked’

Usually when I hear this opinion of AdWords, the root cause is due to either running campaigns in house without the appropriate knowledge, or having a bad experience with a “pile ’em high, sell them cheap with hard sales call tactics” type agency.

Running an AdWords campaign without knowing how to use the platform can be a recipe for burning money fast. With the first campaign I ran for a client, I saved almost 50% of their ad spend within minutes as they were serving ads for completely inappropriate search terms. For another client who was running their campaigns using a generic Google helpline, I halved their cost per click from £2 to £1 meaning they were previously spending twice as much money as they had to. It is also not uncommon for me to take an internally managed AdWords account and change the average clickthrough rate from 1-2% to over 10% (and sometimes higher), and get results that return many multiples of ad spend.

All of those are good metrics but I’ll also sort out your conversion tracking so you can track monetary values, which is the ultimate metric to measure

Can’t I Just Run My AdWords In House?

Of course you can, but re-read the previous answer first.

AdWords changes a lot, and it’s very powerful. It can also be very dangerous if you look at the wrong metrics. Even Google tells you a good Click Through Rate is the best metric in one of their help documents. It’s a great one, but return on investment is the ultimate, but it’s usually just a bit more effort to set up. This involves getting Google Analytics set up correctly, and integrating a few platforms to get more data.

If you don’t know about all these AdWords features, Google won’t be rewarding you, meaning your campaigns can suffer, meaning you are spending more than you need to. A good campaign structure could quite easily make the difference between a $5 cost per click and $1.

I’ve also seen other messy situations as internal campaigns targeting extremely vague keywords, and having competing versions of Adwords running at the same time.

To run successful AdWords campaigns takes a lot of investment in time and learning. Aren’t you better off spending that time working on your business?

What’s Involved In Setting Up A Google AdWords Campaign?

Setting up an AdWords campaign is quite complicated if you are doing it well, and involves a good knowledge of the platform. It’s not just clicking a few buttons. Setting up a new campaign involves the following, and more :

  • Understanding your advertising objectives
  • Understanding your products and profitability of them
  • Deciding which campaign types are most appropriate
  • Keyword research
  • Creating the correct campaign structure to drive down costs
  • Your campaign ideas may result in several AdWords campaigns being created to be more effective
  • Creating many ‘ad extensions’ to make your adverts more compelling
  • Writing copy for many different adverts (It’s not uncommon for a ‘simple’ campaign to have 100’s of ad variations if done well)
  • Creating or providing input to several different banner adverts (if using display)
  • Setting up conversion tracking within Google Analytics (this can be simple, but can also be very time consuming)
  • Minor modifications to your website to allow conversion tracking

…and lots more.

This takes a lot of time, but ultimately it means your money will go further, and you’ll get better returns. Well set up campaigns will definitely save you money, and potentially lots of it.

Why Does A Campaign Need Managed & Optimised Each Month?

Your campaigns need to be managed and optimised regularly to make them work better over time, and allow you to expand on them.

This involves creating new ad groups and keywords, pausing ads or keywords that aren’t working, making suggestions about new campaigns, checking if the budget is adequate and making suggestions around where to increase it, ensuring your ads aren’t being shown for irrelevant keywords and lots more.

The advertising space isn’t static. There’s millions of calculations performed in a real time auction every time an ad is displayed. Optimising it means your campaigns will continue to improve and expand. Even if nothing was touched, and other advertisers started new campaigns, your results could be very different on a week to week or month to month basis.

I Have An AdWords Campaign Running But I Can’t See My Ads – Is My Agency Ripping Me Off?

Maybe, but probably not if they are reputable. You may not be entering the keywords that have been set up in your account, you may find your budget isn’t enough to reach all searchers, or your ‘quality score’ is lower due to your website, so your ad doesn’t get shown all the time. It may be the advertiser has excluded your internal computer address to improve campaign performance, or not targeting people in the location you are in.

Why Do I Need An Agency To Manage My AdWords Account?

There are some great staff at Google but when you call the main helpline you are unlikely to get the same person. If you do they have to help many people and will not be able to help with more detailed elements like tracking return on investment and discussing the best goals to set up in Analytics to measure.

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