Top 10 Digital Marketing Certifications For 2022

If you’re looking to switch careers and have some qualifications that could help land the perfect job, there is no shortage of options for expanding your digital marketing toolkit.

So you’re thinking about going back to school? Think again! There’s no need for expensive online courses when there is so much free knowledge out here. We’ll highlight some of our favorites below:
In order learn and stay up-to date with all things related technology, we should make sure that both employees AND employers are aware how new skills can increase value in their workplace…

Certifications & Courses

1. Google Courses

Google is the go-to resource for anyone who wants to learn about digital marketing, data & tech or career development. The company offers over 150 courses on these topics with options that are tailored just right so you can find what suits your learning needs best!

Whether you want to spend a few weeks or just one day, Google has got your back. With their extensive library of courses and tutorials on everything from coding 101 through advanced computer science topics like 3D modeling software engineers can learn at their own pace without any risk!

The “fundamentals of digital marketing” course consists 26 modules with an estimated length 40 hours, whereas the 1 hour teach you what it takes to understand code. Many courses are intermediate or advanced so that anyone can use these resources no matter their skill level!

2. Google Adwords Training

Google’s training hub for learning about Google Ads is the place to go if you want grow your skills using this advertising platform. You can learn everything from search engine optimization (SEO) techniques and website design tips all the way through creative campaign planning ideas that will help increase brand awareness online!
The service has courses available based on what level of expertise each student requires; whether they’re just starting out or looking more advanced topics such as SEO strategy guidebooks–there really isn’t anything missing here whatsoever because every skill imaginable related directly back into one central location: gaining knowledge through education.

3. Google Analytics Academy

Google analytics is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes. But how do you use it? The Analytics Academy has developed courses to help answer this question and more!
The first thing that will challenge your way of thinking about data in marketing campaigns or website traffic, for example, are these five questions: What does ” comprise?” Really mean when they say 100% completion rate?, Why should I care about conversions over visitors?”, And finally – where can I find out everything there’s ever wanted

4. Google Waze Certification

Google has a certification for Waze Ads, the driving and navigation app that centers on-the map community contribution. This is perfect if you are looking to get into local business because it will help your customers find their way around town!

With Google’s helpful 20 minute fundamental lessons, you can get certified in under an hour. This means that if the time it takes for these tutorials is added to your exam preparation (35 minutes), then by all means continue on with this quick and easy process!

5. Code Academy

Code Academy is the best place to learn how code. They have courses for all different kinds of programming languages, including HTML and CSS! If you want an introduction into front end web development then these are perfect starting point as well because not only will they teach everything needed about building websites but also editing them too- making sure that there isn’t anything left up on your own devices or servers without knowing what’s going wrong .

6. Twitter Flight School

Twitter is the newest, most exciting form of social media. With Flight School you can learn how to master advertising on Twitter in a short amount time! The courses are bite sized so they’re easy for beginners and Senior managers alike which makes it perfect if your looking into expanding or improving skills that already have some knowledge behind them- no need wasting weeks watching videos when we’ve got everything right here at our fingertips 🙂

7. Microsoft & Bing Advertising

There are many benefits to becoming a Microsoft Advertising Certified Professional, and you can take advantage of this free training by signing up for courses offered through their website. You will learn about everything from advertising best practices in different industries all-the way down how individual ads work!

8. HubSport Markting Course

HubSpot’s Inbound Marketing course is a great way to learn about the principles and practices that have made this approach so popular. You’ll explore what it means when there are only 5% more visitors than flying > 500 – 1000 potential customers per month, why content marketing works better than ever before thanks largely in part from Google algorithm updates over recent years (think keyword research), as well some tips on LinkedIn profile graphics for displaying your achievements!

9. Facebook Blueprint

The Facebook Blueprint Modules will help you learn how to run ads on Facebook. With a little time and effort, these modules provide more than 90 online courses as well as certification exams that are great for demonstrating your knowledge at any stage in the game!

10. LinkedIn Learning Courses

LinkedIn Learning offers an extensive library of courses for people who want to specialize in various industries. The “Learning Paths” are course bundles that range from 6 hours, like the Becoming a Content Strategist path (which I am taking), all way up towards 37 hourlong programs if you’re looking at learning about digital marketing deeply and broadly…depending on your level!

Get in touch with our digital marketing agency for help with your paid and organic keyword ranking! We can help you improve your search ranking, drive relevant traffic and boost sales!

Top 10 Digital Marketing Certifications For 2022

Google Courses •
Google Adwords Training •
Google Analytics Academy •
Google Waze Certification •
Code Academy •
Twitter Flight School •
Microsoft & Bing Advertising •
HubSport Markting Course •
Facebook Blueprint •
LinkedIn Learning Courses

Digital marketing courses to help grow your business
