What About Facebook & Google Advertising Policy?

It is at their young ages that children are most easily influenced by advertisement. And it is the lack of awareness that causes this. So with a recent policy shift from Facebook and Instagram, Google Ads Agency and Facebook ads Agency targeted for minors have been considerably disabled. This is with regard to targeting rules of course.

Understanding Facebook’s New Advertising Policy For Minors

Although it’s been 12 years, Facebook suddenly discontinued targeting non-adults younger than 18 with advertisements.

The update by Facebook in order to protect young people in the midst of receiving ads was because they might not be able to “make contextual decisions about all lists and types of lists” they could be part of.

When teens turn 18, disabled options will no longer be available for targeting ads. At the same time, Facebook and its platforms will also send notifications to them with information on these new targeting options. Additionally, they will be instructed on how to access these ads.

These targeting updates will go into effect on August 20, 2017 on Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger.

Understanding Google’s New Advertising Policy For Minors

These targeting updates will go into effect on August 20, 2017 on Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger.
In the same manner as Facebook, Google also collaborates to inhibit specific personnel identification of under 18 users. Since this restriction doesn’t include specific targeting, the main targets are interested in good products, which is more important than age.

Whether Google will lift disabled targeting on minors once they reach the age of 18 is unclear. Meanwhile, Google will also upgrade these ads safeguards to avoid the deployment of age categories on children’s accounts. These are some of the updates to come, among some others regarding data protection.

How Will This Effect Advertisers & Businesses?

If you’re a brand or business targeting minors, “getting clever and creative with your ad from here-on-out” seems inevitable. In fact, further to the point, the main option available for targeting minors is just as you have to be “well-advised and creative” with those options. The options you have left at this time are a little more challenging across Facebook and Google platforms, but not impossible to coordinate anyhow.

If Facebook doesn’t explain to you how it can make its income (it does collect user data, after all), opt out of targeted ads on their site. However, if you don’t like getting targeted Netflix ads, maybe try TikTok. Easiest is to Google “”Advertising tricks” targeting YouTube ads””; navigate to YouTube; search the channels (i.e. Google them); then click “This video was saved, that user did that”; then click it; then find your marketing slot so you can respond!

Steps towards addressing false or deceptive ads include maintaining quality business social profiles, sponsorships, studies taken to understand how children are affected by online ads, and creating regulatory tools for advertising during child-focused content. Don’t worry about targeting trying to restrict advertisers. Eventually, with high-quality content, great results with targeting will happen by itself.

As a Premier Marketing Partner, we don’t offer just a series of specs on social media strategy and analytics, but also have a professional team capable of evaluating ad performance and helping you optimize, which is what you need as you increase your online campaigns.

Facebook and Google New Advertising Policy

Understanding Facebook’s New Advertising Policy For Minors •
Understanding Google’s New Advertising Policy For Minors •
How Will This Effect Advertisers & Businesses?

Google and Facebook app icons showing on mobile device
