Advantages Of Remote Working For Digital Marketing Agencies in 2020

People are the principal asset of any modern enterprise. But for digital marketing agencies in particular this is true. Because they, for all intents and purposes, don’t have any other assets. That’s why digital marketing agencies frequently exploit the benefits of remote work.

The success of a company working in this industry entirely depends on attracting top-notch specialists in their fields. This is why everything that influences the staffing policies is of paramount importance for such businesses.

The success of a company working in this industry entirely depends on attracting top-notch specialists in their fields. This is why everything that influences the staffing policies is of paramount importance for such businesses.

What are the main advantages of remote working for digital agencies?

According to the recent findings, most companies in this sector are rapidly increasing the prominence of remote employees in their workforce, with 1 in 5 going entirely virtual. In this article, we will discuss why it is so and why you should consider joining companies with the remote workforce.

1. Remote work increases productivity

According to popular belief, working at the office enforces discipline and makes people more productive than they are when nobody is looking. Although it may be true for some, in reality, things are quite different. Both businesses and employees agree that the main detractors from sufficient work are associated exactly with working in the office.

Loud colleagues, constant interruptions from visiting coworkers, time spent in idle chatter, meetings and the like are all things that only happen in the office environment. They are also disastrophic for productivity. Higher productivity is thus one of the main advantages of remote working.

2. You get access to the best of the best

The beauty of digital marketing business is that nothing limits it in terms of location. Most of their clients don’t come from the same locality as they do. You can place your office somewhere where you can save on rent and other expenses.

But this also means that you may be severely limited by the lack of local talent. Even if there are relevant specialists in your vicinity, they are unlikely to be the top of their field.

However, if you look for candidates on a platform like Torchlite, you can select the best experts no matter where they live. It won’t really affect the quality of their performance, either.

3. It saves you money

Having employees in your office is expensive. Each additional in-office employee means you need a bigger place to rent and spend more on administration, utilities, and equipment for them to use.

You save on all of these costs by having remote workers, and those savings add up. Whatever you save, you can either use it for other purposes or add to the employees ‘ salaries in question, enhancing their motivation and increasing their chances of getting the best talent.

Alternatively, surveys show that 37 percent of millennials are ready to take a pay cut if it means flexible work hours. So, it can serve as another source of savings.

4. It makes your employees happier

Numerous studies show that remote workers are, on average, happier than their 9-to-5 counterparts. It is so for a variety of reasons. They can choose when and where to work and feel more comfortable in their home environments. They are less distracted, don’t have to worry about their families, don’t waste time commuting and so on.

Naturally, happier employees are more efficient, productive and creative, which in turn leads to more satisfied customers.

5. It makes employees more engaged

For many, the idea of remote work being associated with greater engagement causes cognitive dissonance. In fact, there is nothing counterintuitive about it.

Employees that work remotely feel that the company cares for their well-being. They have to manage their own time and productivity. Also, they feel less like interchangeable cogs in a machine and more like partners.

Their interactions with colleagues are limited to the issues that really matter instead of spending an inordinate amount of time in idle socializing. In other words, they feel closer to the company and its mission than when they simply perform tasks in the office.

6. Flexibility improves quality

Remote workers choose on their own when and where to work. Some are in it because it allows them to do a few days’ worth of work in a single day and free up time for other endeavors. Others prefer to work 7 days a week but with shorter hours. Still, others like to work unconventional hours (e.g., they are more productive at night).

Some are attracted by the possibility of fluctuating hours – i.e. working more when they are at their best and when negative factors kick in, taking it easier. If they get their job done, you don’t need to worry about when and how they ‘re doing it. And if they can be flexible about it, you can be sure that they always work at the highest level of their efficiency and creativity.

Remote working isn’t just acceptable for digital marketing agencies. It often seems as if the industry has been created with it in mind. Of course, there are some challenges associated with managing digital agency remotely (employee monitoring, finding suitable people for the job, effective communication) – but if you manage to overcome them, the advantages of remote working are truly substantial.

Advantages Of Remote Working For Digital Marketing Agencies in 2020