Around the world, life has been profoundly disrupted by social distancing efforts aimed at combating the coronavirus pandemic. Physical and social isolation have become the norm. These changes have shaped how we experience things as fundamental as time and space. And they’ve had a marked impact on how we approach work and leisure, as well
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Best Practices Meta Description 2020
How many characters use in a meta description? At the beginning of May, the length of the meta description on Google has been shortened after the last update in December 2017, when the length reached limits up to 290 characters. Now, Google is coming back to previous limits. Best practice in 2019, is the same as
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1. In 2019 (to date), Google accounted for just over 75% of all global desktop search traffic, followed by Bing at 9.97%, Baidu at 9.34%, and Yahoo at 2.77%. (Source: NetMarketShare) To win at SEO, you have to play by Google’s rules. Ranking high on Yahoo or Bing will bring visitors to your site, but companies
Continue reading »30+ Most Important Tips on LinkedIn Advertising
LinkedIn makes its ad offerings pretty clear and straightforward, but there are a few ways you can max out your opportunities and make yourself stand out from the competition. Here are more than 30 tips to help you nail down your LinkedIn KPIs, develop the strongest creative, produce talked about content, keep your campaign strategies
Continue reading »How to use Google Sheets to build a paid marketing Google Data Studio report
Quickly build a Google Data Studio report with your paid data in Google Sheets Google Data Studio is an easy-to-use, free reporting tool but it has a key limitation. It is missing integrations with ad platforms like Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, and Twitter Ads. One way to solve this problem without paying for a data
Continue reading »When Digital Transformation Makes Sense for Your Small Business Brand
To remain viable in today’s competitive business environment, companies have to do whatever it takes. It’s no secret how businesses today are different from what they used to be a decade ago. With the growing digital landscape, it makes sense why many large businesses have decided to incorporate digital-based systems and processes to grow their
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SEO for Ecommerce
What is SEO? SEO is an acronym for Search Engine Optimisation. SEO is the act of tweaking your website so that it appears as close to the first position as possible in a relevant Google Search. When you Google the word ‘weather’ and your hometown, have you ever wondered why and are always
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WordPress SEO checklist So, here we go. You did your research. Wrote kick-ass content. You know which keywords you want to rank for and you used them while writing the content. Now it’s time to publish this bad boy and see the traffic come in. Right? Sorry to disappoint you, but you will have to use a
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You will have many goals in place that you want to achieve within your online marketing agenda. You will want to boost your brand profile, generate more leads and increase conversions. Within the sphere of social media, the way to achieve the best outcome with all of your marketing targets is to create strong, relevant
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