Top 5 PPC Trends For 2021

Top 5 PPC Trends For 2021

Pay-per-click or PPC is an advertising model where an advertiser pays a publisher each time a user clicks one of their online ads. It is commonly used in digital marketing because it is affordable and delivers excellent results. Since it is able to drive leads, many companies integrate PPC advertising into their marketing strategy. In the coming future, online ads will change drastically. Here are the top five PPC trends to look out for in 2021.

PPC automation

Pay-per-click automation is the use of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and technology to optimise your search engine marketing (SEM). Over the years, automation has transformed into an effective way to better the performance of your PPC ad campaigns. PPC automation is the number one PPC trend of 2021. Nearly every PPC marketer thinks about PPC automation.

Google believes that PPC automation makes it feasible for more companies to be successful search marketers. To get the most from automation, your campaigns have to be arranged to assist algorithms on Google and other platforms so that they work in your favour. You can do this by writing excellent ad copy, starting accurate and effective conversion tracking and figuring out your ideal audience and keywords. When you use PPC automation properly, you can distribute most of the grunt work to the machine and save a lot of time and money.

Audience segmentation

Audience segmentation is about successfully grouping users in accordance with their needs so that each user sees ads about certain products or services at certain times. Specifically, you are working with a group of people who have already interacted with you online, whether on your website, YouTube videos or other social media channels.

You can divide them based on what URLs they visited on your website, what YouTube videos they have watched and how they have interacted on your website. You can also divide them based on psychographics (the study of consumers based on their opinions, activities and interests), demographics, geographic location, and behavioural attributes. In PPC ad campaigns, audience segmentation lets you choose which group of people sees your ads. In turn, this raises the chance of a user seeing an ad that is relevant to them and convinces them to act. Throughout 2021, segmentation options will increase, and marketers will be able to create campaigns that are more personalised.


Remarking happens when a user visits a web page but decides not to make a purchase. They might be browsing an item but decide not to purchase it, and then later see an ad on another website about the product that they were viewing. Seeing that product again is a marketing ploy. Marketers know that the more that a person sees a product, the more likely they will buy it. This strategy produces good results because it reinforces a person’s desire to purchase a product without them noticing.

Cost-per-acquisition (CPA) is the total cost of acquiring a new customer through a specific channel or campaign. Research has shown that remarking campaigns have a four times lower CPA than regular targeting options for display ads. Remarking helps you attain potential customers who have expressed interest in your company’s products or services. You could be remarking to someone who reached your product page through an ad or left behind a product on their online shopping cart. The people you are targeting are more likely to make a purchase than someone who is just browsing.

Alternative advertising platforms

In marketing, the more people that you reach, the more clients you’ll capture by the end of the day. While Facebook and Google tend to dominate the world of advertising, other companies like Amazon, Pinterest and LinkedIn are rising up as major contenders. For you to reach out to more people, you need to use a variety of platforms including Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Amazon Ads and Google Ads. Being on a variety of platforms allows you to reach more people and have more opportunities to turn prospects into customers in a shorter amount of time.

Online users have become more smart, demanding and impatient when it comes to looking for products and services online. They want fast and relevant results that are useful and easy to digest. Alternative platforms give you an opportunity to convince your target audience that you have the best products and services. When you have ads shown on multiple platforms at the same time you are making sure that your target customers are seeing and interacting with your content.

Visual search

Visual search is using an image instead of using text to search for something. The search image will show you a library of hyperlinked images. Pinterest takes centre stage in this area, although Google is gaining ground. Since 2014, you could search for images similar visually to groups of pins on Pinterest. Pinterest has updated their technology so that you could take a picture with the mobile app and they would offer you suggestions that are similar to what you are looking for based on the pins that they have.

While visual search has made a lot of progress over the years, it is still relatively new technology. Both Google and Bing are making advancements with that feature. The biggest issue with the technology is accuracy. Since a user is not typing a phrase but is using an image, the AI system has to first figure out what the image is before it can give the results. This leaves a lot of room for error. That being said, visual search will increase in accuracy and become more popular over time. It won’t replace text searches, but it would open up plenty of opportunities. Visual search will allow users to locate an item that they want to have, and you could serve them ads for it.

Top 5 PPC Trends For 2021
